How to use / 如何使用

Job Plugin is no longer supported in Vocaloid 5 , the project needs to be converted in Vocaloid 3 or 4 first.
Vocaloid 5 不再支持 Job Plugin 插件,工程需要先在Vocaloid 3 或 4 中进行转换。

Phonemes shaped like a_0 are not converted by the plugin. You may need to refer to the phoneme table for manual conversion.

Install and use the plugin / 安装并使用插件

Click on Job->Manage Job Plugins or press the shortcut Crtl+Shift+J to open the Job Plugin Manager window.
open the Job Plugin Manager window

Click Add and select the task plugin you want to add in the window and click Open.
select the task plugin you want to add

When you have finished adding, click OK to close the Job Plugin Manager window.
finished adding

After entering the lyrics in the original language singer, first select the Job Plugin you want to execute in Job->Job Plugin and execute it, then switch the singer.
select the Job Plugin you want to execute

Install and use the dictionary / 安装并使用字典

Click on Lyrics–>User Dictionary to open the User Word Dictionary window.
open the User Word Dictionary window

Click on Import and select the user dictionary to be added in the window and click on Open.
select the user dictionary

Once the import is complete, the dictionary can be selected in the list and used.
dictionary can be selected in the list